Benefits of Mataka water लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
Benefits of Mataka water लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

बुधवार, 20 मई 2020

Benefits of Mataka water

Hello friends,

 Welcome all of you to our blog today, today we are going to tell you about the benefits of mataka water, so let's start friends

The water of Matka is very beneficial

 Mataka water protects from many diseases

 1. Matka water has alkaline properties, which keeps its pH balance and this water is also much better in terms of health. 
 2. Drinking matka water increases the level of testosterone hormone, also known as male hormone.  
3. Drinking matka water also does not cause stomach irritation, constipation and acidity. 
 4. Drinking matka water daily strengthens the immunity of the body.  Here's how to take care of pot:
Clean the matka twice a week with warm water.  After cleaning the pot, fill it with fresh water.  
 Keep the pot on a stand so that it does not move very much.  
 Wet a white cotton cloth and tie it to the mouth of the pot so that soil particles cannot enter it.  If possible, use a clay lid to cover it.
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