सोमवार, 1 जून 2020

Do you know the benefits of chewing food slowly

Chewing food slowly will give you best 

Eating food is as important as it is important, chewing it properly.  
Chew well - By eating chew, you eat less and your stomach also gets full quickly.  
2 When you chew and eat, your digestive system prepares itself for digestion.  In this way, the more you chew and chew, the better your digestive system works. 
 3 By chewing the food properly, the food is divided into several pieces and combined with saliva, ready for better digestion.  There is no proper digestion if not chewed well.  
4 An advantage of eating well by chewing is that you are able to taste the food properly and can also enjoy it for a long time.  5 By chewing slowly, your body gets plenty of time to secret the necessary hormones, such as leptin, gralene etc.  They have an important contribution in digestion.
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