सोमवार, 1 जून 2020

How to increase appetite

Ramban to increase appetite Home remedies and Ayurvedic medicine 

1. Take 2-2-2 spoons of Amla juice, lemon juice and honey in a bowl and mix it well.  Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.  2. To make this home Remedy, grind the gud a little and make a powdered pan and add half a teaspoon of black pepper powder to it.  Consume it regularly for a few days.
  3. Remove the ras from coriander crown leaves and drink half a teaspoon of this ras daily.  You can use this home remedies instead of earthquake boosting syrup.  
4. Take out a little lemon juice and add 3 tablespoons of celery and let it dry completely.  After it is completely dry, add some black salt to it.  Take a teaspoon of this mixture twice a day with a glass of warm water in the morning and evening.  Another easy way is to chew half a teaspoon of celery seeds before eating. 
 5. Add 3-4 garlic buds to a cup of water and boil it, when cooled add half lemon juice.  Take this home remedy 2 times a day till the improvement in appetite.
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